Some theme authors create CSS that overwrite standard HTML tags like <label>, <input> etc. Because of this some users see the choices to questions showing on a new line, under the corresponding radio button or checkbox, instead of next to it.
This is not a bug in WatuPRO, it's poorly written CSS outside of it. WatuPRO does NOT overwrite the behavior of any HTML tags, but your blog theme CSS might be doing it.
So please check your CSS and pay special attention to any lines that show "display:block;" for the "label" or "input" tags.
A Quick Solution:
If you don't have the resources or knowledge to solve the problem in the CSS, you can try adding the following lines at the bottom of the CSS file:
.quiz-form label {
display: inline !important;
.quiz-form input[type='checkbox'] {
display: inline !important;
.quiz-form input[type='radio'] {
display: inline !important;
In most cases this should solve it. If not we can provide a CSS expert for charge as this is not a problem coming from the plugin.